Mass Schedule
Saturday: 5:30 PM (Vigil Mass – English)
Sunday (English): 7:30 AM, 9:30, 11:30 AM,* 5:30 PM
Sunday (Español): 1:30 PM,* 3:30, 7:00 PM
*The 11:30 AM (English) and 1:30 PM (Spanish) Masses are livestreamed each Sunday on the All Saints Parish Facebook page and YouTube channel. Recordings remain available after Mass.
Daily Mass Schedule
Monday – Friday: 7:00 & 8:30 AM
Saturday: 8:00 AM
Presidents’ Day Holiday
The parish office is closed for the Presidents’ Day holiday on Monday, February 17.
First Friday
Confession – 7:30-8:00 AM
Confession – 7:00-7:45 PM*(except 2/7/25)
Mass in Spanish – 8:00 PM
Learn more about our Catholic faith.

Weekly Bulletins
Download our weekly bulletins in PDF format for all the latest news and announcements from All Saints. See our Current Bulletin and Bulletin Archive.
Parish Office Hours
Click here for special hours through New Year’s week.
(Closed for lunch M-F: 12:00 – 1:00 PM)
Monday – 9:15 AM – 8:00 PM
Tuesday – 9:15 AM – 8:00 PM
Wednesday – 9:15 AM – 8:00 PM
Thursday – 9:15 AM – 8:00 PM
Friday – 9:15 AM – 12:00 PM (NEW)
Sunday – 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Inclement Weather Policy/
Política Meteorológica Inclemente
Scheduling a Mass Intention for 2025
Pope’s Intention for February
For vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Let us pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life.

Pastor's Message
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The beatitudes and the woes of Luke’s Gospel differ from the beatitudes of Matthew’s Gospel. Luke presents his in the context of Jesus coming onto a plain; Matthew presents his as Jesus on the mount, for it was on a mountain where God appeared to Moses and the mountain becomes the place of God’s revelation. These are not contradictory. Each evangelist is writing for a specific group. The word beatitude indicates the fullness of blessing or happiness — beholding God and the fulfillment that comes with God’s abiding presence. The beatitudes and woes are dispositions for God’s kingdom being upon us. They point to Jesus, who through his death on the Cross, reversed the downward spiral of sin. Just as the beatitudes and woes are seen as a reversal of “human wisdom” into “God’s wisdom,” so Jesus came to reverse the effects of sin and bring us to a new beginning of goodness.
Thank you to Danielle Smith and Mary Jo Smith for heading up the Night to Shine experience for our special needs young people. This was done in conjunction with the Tim Tebow Foundation at many churches throughout the country. Thank you to all of the volunteers who made this such a special evening.
We have our Sacred Music at All Saints Concert Series coming this Friday evening. If you have never been to one of these, I invite you to come. Chuck Seipp was here a few years ago. I found this evening to be enjoyable, educational, and fun! I learned a lot about music, various types of trumpets (six different ones in one of his pieces that he performed). The performance of the Seipp / Fickley Duo will be family-friendly and great for young people. Discover a new dimension of yourself by coming to the Concert Series. If you are in high school or grade school, tell your music teacher about it. Perhaps he or she may want to give you “extra credit” for this great experience!
To update you on facilities projects, we plan to have a contractor start painting the church narthex walls in the upcoming weeks. This will also include a part of the interior church wall.
Msgr. Lee Roos, Pastor

Seipp/Fickley Duo Concert
Seipp/Fickley Duo Concert – Friday, February 21
All Saints Concert Series is pleased to present the Seipp/Fickley Trumpet & Organ Duo, unlike any ensemble performing today. Custom musical arrangements of virtuoso, beautiful, entertaining, humorous, and patriotic selections enhance the exquisite blend of their instruments. Trumpeter Chuck Seipp and organist Todd Fickley are two performers at the top of their craft.
The concert starts at 7:30 PM in the church and will be followed by a light reception. The event is free and open to the public. A free-will donation will be taken to support this and future concerts offered through the All Saints Sacred Music Concert Series.
Know of Someone Interested in Becoming Catholic?
If you or someone you know would like to learn more about the Catholic Faith and how one becomes a Catholic, please contact Samantha Welsh, the Director of Religious Education, to learn about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). If you know someone who might be interested please let us know. This is how we make disciples of the Lord. The 50 day Easter Season really is an outpouring of God’s grace in our midst.
Are you registered in the parish?
If you are not a registered parishioner, please stop by the parish office to become a registered member of All Saints. Parish registration is required to be a Baptismal Godparent or Confirmation Sponsor.
Welcome to All Saints Catholic Church
Become a part of our vibrant, faith-filled community.
All Saints Catholic Church is an ever-changing and evolving community, steeped in a rich history and diverse culture. We are dedicated, hard-working families and individuals from virtually every walk of life.
We are disciples of the Lord Jesus. By virtue of our baptism, we live our Catholic faith and are God’s voice calling out to others. We celebrate the Eucharist and Sacraments, live out the scriptures in service to our neighbors, and are faithful to Church teachings.
We are called to keep our faith vibrant and to pass on the faith for all generations to come, that we may bring others closer to Christ and continue building the kingdom of God.
“Every baptized person has received the vocation to proclaim — to proclaim something to proclaim Jesus — the vocation and mission to evangelize: to proclaim Jesus.” — Pope Francis
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Spring CYO: Volleyball & Track & Field
2025 Girls Volleyball and Boys & Girls Sprint Track & Field CYO registration for Girls Volleyball is now open through March 9, 2025. All Saints... Read More >

Car Raffle Ticket Update
Raffle tickets for our 28th Annual Car Raffle were mailed to registered parishioners in mid-January. Proceeds from the raffle will be used... Read More >

Confession Schedule – Week of February 16
All Saints offers the Sacrament of Reconciliation on the following dates: Wednesday, February 19 : 6:30 – 8:00 PM Saturday, February 22:... Read More >

Eucharistic Adoration – Week of February 16
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament — Adoration Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Chapel is available at the times listed below.... Read More >
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