Scheduling a Mass Intention for 2024

The scheduling of Mass intentions at All Saints Parish is done through the parish office. Please note the following:

  • Scheduled Masses — If you are a parishioner and would like to have a Mass offered for someone, please stop by the Parish Office. We receive many requests for the limited number of Masses offered each year. In view of this fact and the size of our parish, to ensure some fairness in the procedure, we are asking that each family limit their Mass Intentions to no more than twelve (12) scheduled Masses per year. The customary Mass stipend in the Province of Baltimore, to which the Arlington Diocese belongs, is $10.00.
  • Unscheduled Masses — If you wish to have other Masses offered for an individual or need, an unscheduled Mass will be offered within a short period of time by a priest of the parish or sent to a priest in a seminary, campus ministry, retreat house, or the missions.
  • Purgatorial Society — Deceased family members and friends of our parish may be enrolled as a member of the Purgatorial Society of All Saints Catholic Church, and as such will be remembered in a special Mass each month for one year. Suggested Mass donation is $20.00.
  • All Saints and St. Gabriel Mission — Mass intentions for Masses at All Saints Church will be taken at the All Saints Parish Office. Mass intentions for Masses at St. Gabriel Mission will be taken at the St. Gabriel Pastoral Center located at 9110 Railroad Drive, Suite 300, Manassas Park.

Questions? Please contact Linda at or 571-516-3140.