Join us this Lenten Season

en español

As we enter the Lenten season, we are reminded of God’s invitation to journey with Jesus through this time of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. As St. Paul implores  us:

Behold, now is a very acceptable time;
behold, now is the day of salvation.
 [2 Corinthians 6:2b]

Lent is an ideal time to rekindle your spiritual life. We invite you to participate in the events below and draw closer to God throughout this Lenten season.

Morning Prayer in the Chapel

Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM

Join us in All Saints chapel for Morning Prayer at 8:00 AM, between the morning Masses at 7:00 and 8:30 AM.

Lenten Soup Supper

Lenten Soup Supper

Wednesdays, 5:00-7:00 PM
March 12, 19, 26; April 2, 9

Gather together as a parish community to share a simple meal of soup, bread, rolls, crackers, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, coffee, tea, and lemonade. Supper is free; donations will benefit a charitable organization each week.

Stations of the Cross

Friday Evenings – March 7, 14, 21, 28; April 4

Join All Saints for Stations of the Cross in English at 7:00 PM and in Spanish following the 8:00 PM Friday evening Mass. Adoration will follow the Spanish Stations of the Cross in the Chapel at approximately 9:15 PM.

Wednesday/Saturday Confession

All Saints Catholic Church

The light is on for you. Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Wednesday evening from 6:30 – 8:00 PM and Saturday afternoon from 3:00 – 4:00 PM.

Evening Mass at All Saints

First Friday Devotion

Evening Mass
Friday, March 7 | Friday, April 4 at 8:00 PM

Join us for First Friday Mass in Spanish. Confessions on First Friday are offered only in the morning from 7:30 – 8:15 AM.

St. Joseph

Solemn Evening Prayer

Solemnity of St. Joseph
Wednesday, March 19 at 7:00 PM

Pray the Liturgy of the Hours in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament on this special feast day.

“Come Walk with Him” Holy Hour

Wednesday, April 9 at 7:00 PM

Join All Saints for the “Come Walk with Him” Holy Hour featuring beautiful meditations sung by Irish Tenor Mark Forrest. Confession will be available.

Bilingual Living Stations

Friday, April 11 at 7:00 PM

All Saints Youth Ministry presents the powerful Bilingual Living Stations in the church on Friday, April 11 at 7:00 PM. This prayerful experience is a perfect lead-in to Holy Week.

All Saints Penance Service

Lenten Penance Service

Monday, April 14, 6:30-8:00 PM

All Saints will offer a Lenten Penance Service with additional priests on April 14, from 6:30-8:00 PM. For those unable to drive at night, we will offer Confession on Friday. April 11 from 10:00-11:00 AM.

Friday Evening Fish Fry

March 7, 21, 28; April 4, 11
(5:00-7:30 PM)

The George Brent Council of the Knights of Columbus will host a Fish Fry in the Knights Hall (behind the school). Entrees include fish dinner, shrimp dinner, macaroni & cheese, or a child’s grilled cheese. All come with hush puppies, green beans, and coleslaw. See for pricing and details.

Car Raffle Ticket Update

March 23, 2025 – Only six weeks until the Car Raffle drawing on May 3rd! Spread the word to your social media friends, coworkers and family, so that they remember that you have tickets to sell and that time is short. You can’t win if you aren’t entered!

Most importantly — the raffle funds help to pay for facility maintenance. Please consider purchasing or selling your tickets as soon as possible. Early returns will help us with ticket processing.

Already sold your tickets? Consider picking up 10 more to sell to friends, relatives and co-workers — most
will consider it a deal and buy a ticket.

Congratulations — We have paid for the Escape and the Mustang! Tickets are now also available for purchase at the parish office.

The All Saints Car Raffle will be held on Saturday, May 3, 2025. We will raffle four vehicles, plus a $20,000 CASH drawing, and additional cash drawings.  One $5.00 ticket provides a chance to win all 25 prizes, including:

Vehicle Drawings

  • 2025 FORD MAVERICK TRUCK (Hybrid)
  • 2025 FORD ESCAPE

CASH Drawings

  • 1 @ $20,000 CASH PRIZE
  • 2 @ $5,000 each
  • 2 @ $2,500 each
  • 2 @ $1,000 each
  • 4 @ $500 each
  • 10 @ $100 each

Sponsored by: All Saints Catholic Church
Vehicles Provided by: Ourisman Ford of Manassas

How to Purchase Tickets
Raffle tickets for the All Saints Car Raffle can be purchased until Thursday, May 1st (see Parish Office hours).

Until April 8th, you may also purchase tickets by sending a check for $5.00 per ticket (i.e. 10 tickets @$5.00 = $50.00).  Also include the name, address and phone number that you want on each of the tickets (or if you have address labels, please include enough for each ticket).  We will fill out the tickets and enter them.  You don’t need the stub but if you want it (them), include a self addressed stamped envelope and we will get them to you.
Checks should be made payable to: All Saints Catholic Church.

Our mailing address is:
All Saints Catholic Church
Attn: Car Raffle
9300 Stonewall Road
Manassas, VA  20110

Winners will be called shortly after the drawings.

Thanks in advance for your support. All of us are winners as we help maintain our Church and as we contribute to the many other charitable works throughout the diocese. After the drawings, check the bulletin for the amount earned to support the Church!

Spotlight on the Arts Summer Camps

Art, Drama, Musical Theatre Camps for K-12 in a Catholic setting

Are you ready to “leap” into a summer your child will always remember?

Since 2004, Spotlight on the Arts Summer Camps has offered Broadway Spotlight, Drama Bootcamp, Art Explorer, and Arts & Crafts Fun Camp to hundreds of Diocesan families and friends. This July 7th – 18th, young people are invited to experience top level instruction as they engage in creative fun through Acting, Visual Art, Music, and more! The camps are taught by professional Catholic educators very accomplished in their area of expertise.  Each week concludes with either an Art Showcase or a Theatrical Performance by the campers.

Prices are frozen in 2025 and through March 31st, all camps are $35 off plus everyone gets a free t-shirt.  Additionally, there are extra discounts for families that enroll 3 or more kids!

Go to our official website to lock in your spot today:

Don’t Miss our Lenten Soup Suppers

All Saints Catholic Church will be hosting its annual Lenten Soup Supper in the Parish Activities Center on Wednesdays from 5:00 – 7:00 PM during Lent. The menu includes many varieties of homemade and purchased soups, sandwiches made of: peanut butter, peanut butter and jelly, as well as only jelly. The soup is provided by the hosting organization.

Everyone is welcome. There is no charge for the meal. All are encouraged to make a “Free Will” charitable donation. Donations will go to a charity selected by the host organization.

Please invite your family and friends to attend the Lenten Soup Supper on one or more of the following dates. You won’t be disappointed. Come out during Lent and enjoy homemade soup and help support a charity.

Soup Supper is provided by the following sponsoring organizations:

  • March 12- St. Vincent de Paul Society, All Saints Conference & George Brent Council, Knights of Columbus
  • March 19 – All Saints School PTO
  • March 26 – Trail Life and American Heritage Girls & Squire Roses
  • April 2 – Misioneros de Jesús
  • April 9 – Filipino-American Ministry

Don’t miss the Knights of Columbus Lenten Fish Fry in the Bishop Flaherty Hall (Knights Hall behind the church). The Fish Fry will take place on the following Fridays from 5:00 – 7:30 PM, and is open to the community: March 21, 28; April 4, 11.

2025 Bishop’s Lenten Appeal (BLA)

The 2025 BLA Commitment Sunday is March 3rd. Once a year we are asked to make a pledge to support the work of our diocesan programs and ministries which provide services that no parish could provide on its own.

The Bishop’s Lenten Appeal is the primary means of support for more than 40 ministries, programs, services and charitable works of our diocese. After reflecting upon God’s blessings to you, please consider a BLA pledge. Each donation is vital to the success of the BLA.

Please help our parish reach our BLA goal. Our parish goal is 100% participation. You may go online at:

Our parish goal is 100% participation. By participating in the BLA, we remember the gift that Christ himself gave us through his Body and Blood, and are asked to respond to his call to serve our brothers and sisters.

Confession Schedule – Week of March 23

All Saints offers the Sacrament of Reconciliation on the following dates:

  • Wednesday, March 26 – 6:30 – 8:00 PM
  • Saturday, March 29 – 3:00 – 4:00 PM

First Friday
For the First Friday of each month, we have the following schedule:

Confession – after 7:00 AM Mass
Confession –  No evening Confession on 4/4/25
Mass in Spanish – 8:00 PM 

Please note that for the morning confessions, once we have posted a sign that the confession line is closed, please do not enter the line. This will allow us to finish those who have already been waiting in line and will allow the priests to finish before the 8:30 AM Mass. One should not miss a part of the Mass (for example, the Liturgy of the Word or the Liturgy of the Eucharist) due to being in Confession. Also, please do not put “placeholders” for a place in line, such as a hymnal on the floor, during Mass. We ask those in line to be considerate of others. Thank you

Todos los Santos ofrece el Sacramento de la Reconciliación en las siguientes fechas:

  • Miércoles, 26 de marzo – 6:30 – 8:00 PM
  • Sábado, 29 de marzo – 3:00 – 4:00 PM

Primer Viernes
Para el primer viernes de cada mes, tenemos el siguiente horario:

Después de la misa de 7:00 AM Confesiones
7:00 PM Confessions – No hay Confesión vespertina el 4/4/25
8:00 PM Misa en Español 

Tenga en cuenta que para las confesiones de la mañana, una vez que hayamos colocado un letrero de que la línea de confesión está cerrada, no ingrese a la línea. Esto nos ermitirá terminar con aquellos que ya han estado esperando en la fila y permitirá que los sacerdotes terminen antes de la Misa de las 8:30 AM. No se debe perder una parte de la isa (por ejemplo, la Liturgia de la Palabra o la Liturgia de la Eucaristía) por estar en Confesión. Además, no coloque “marcadores de posición” para un lugar en la fila, como un himnario en el piso, durante la misa. Les pedimos a los que están en la fila que sean considerados con los demás. Gracias.

Eucharistic Adoration – Week of March 23

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament — Adoration

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Chapel is available at the times listed below.

  • Wednesday, 9:00 AM until Thursday, 6:45 AM;
  • Thursday, 7:00 PM until Friday, 6:45 AM;
  • Friday, 8:00 PM until Saturday, 7:00 AM. Note that the Rosary will be held in the chapel, Sunday evening, after the 7:00 PM Mass, from 8:00 PM until Monday, 6:45 AM.

We do not have Exposition between the weekday daily Masses (Monday–Friday) at this time.

Please sign-in at the Chapel to assist our Adoration Coordinator in verifying that we will always have at least 2 people present.

Access to the Chapel. The interior doors between the church and chapel will be locked. You must use the exterior doors to enter the chapel and the exterior doors to enter the church.

Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento—Adoración
La Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento en la Capilla está disponible en los horarios que se enumeran a continuación.

  • Miércoles, 9:00 am hasta el jueves, 6:45 am;
  • Jueves, 7:00 pm hasta el viernes, 6:45 am;
  • Viernes, 8:00 pm hasta el sábado, 7:00 am. Tenga en cuenta que el Rosario se llevará a cabo en la capilla, el domingo por la noche, después de la misa de las 7:00 PM, desde las 8:00 PM hasta el lunes, 6:45 AM.

No tenemos exposición entre las misas diarias entre semana (de lunes a viernes) en este momento.

Por favor, regístrese en la Capilla para ayudar a nuestro Coordinador de Adoración a verificar que siempre tendremos al menos 2 personas presentes.

Acceso a la Capilla. Las puertas interiores entre la iglesia y la capilla se cerrarán con llave. Usted debe utilizar las puertas exteriores para entrar en la capilla y las puertas exteriores para entrar en la iglesia.

Hearts Afire Special Needs Social Group

The Hearts Afire Special Needs Social Group meets monthly in the non-summer months at All Saints from 7:00–8:30 PM and is open to our friends with special needs, ages 18-35. If you would like to attend a fun-filled evening and meet some new friends, RSVP to

Hearts Afire needs volunteers!
We are looking for assistant leaders to help run the meetings and Buddies to partner with our special needs friends. If you are interested in helping out, or know someone would be, please email