Holy Week Announcement:
See All Saints’ complete for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday.
Easter Vigil (Bilingual Mass) – April 11, 2020
Please see the following for reference during Mass:
The Easter Vigil Worship Aid (bilingual) – https://allsaintsva.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/2020_Triduum_EasterVigil_livestream_FINAL.pdf
***For the Easter Vigil livestream, please unite with us in the celebration of the Easter Vigil in a special way:***
As the faithful unite in prayer with the celebration of the Easter Vigil, you are encouraged to take up a candle in your home (such as a baptismal candle or another worthy candle). You may light this candle at the corresponding ritual times as indicated during Mass.
Support our Online Mass
To help support the production of the All Saints Catholic Church Virtual Mass, please make a contribution through Parish Giving, our secure, online giving platform. Weekly envelopes may also be mailed to All Saints Catholic Church, 9300 Stonewall Road, Manassas, VA 20110.
Thank you for your continued support of our parish!
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-701298.
Domingo de Palma – 05 de abril de 2020
Misa en español
(Starting at 11:00 AM)
Por favor mire la Guía de Adoración Dominical (ingles) / Palm Sunday Passion – English o Guía de Adoración Dominical (español) / Domingo de Ramos – Pasión para referencia durante la Misa.
Apoye nuestra Misa en línea
Para ayudar en apoyar la Misa en línea de la Iglesia Católica All Saints, visite Parish Giving que se encuentra en el sitio web de la parroquia. Los sobres semanales también se pueden enviar por correo a: All Saints Catholic Church, 9300 Stonewall Road, Manassas, VA 20110
Gracias por su continuo apoyo a nuestra parroquia.
Permiso de transmisión en línea/podcast de la música proveída en este servicio fue obtenida por ONE LICENSE, License # A-701298.
Note: Due to the suspension of public Masses, all the faithful in the Diocese of Arlington have been dispensed from their Sunday obligation. Especially on Sundays and holy days, the faithful are encouraged to devote time to prayer, observe Mass on television or the Internet, and prayer the Rosary along with other devotions.
Easter Sunday Mass – Livestream
Join us for Mass on Eater Sunday (April 12) for live streams on our Parish Facebook page or YouTube Channel at 9:30 AM (English) and 11:00 AM (Spanish). Recordings will remain available after the initial live stream.