Divine Mercy Chaplet
How to Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet
Stations of the Cross at All Saints
Pray the All Saints Stations of the Cross through this video produced by the Tessier Family.
Living Stations of the Cross (Youth Ministry – Bilingual)
Living Stations of the Cross (Youth Ministry) – Bilingual: English/español
Daily Online Mass
Daily Mass Opportunities – Diocese of Arlington
Bishop Barron Daily Mass
June 2020 – All Saints Catholic Church is once again celebrating daily Mass on Monday – Friday, 7:00 and 8:30 AM. There are no reservations needed for these Masses, but you will need to maintain social distancing. You are expected to wear a cloth face covering or disposable face mask. To minimize the amount of cleaning that we have to do, each Mass will have different pew sections in which Mass attendees will be asked to sit. Please see the signs in the church narthex, to determine the pew section(s) that will be available.
Celebrating the Liturgy of the Hours
While we may not be able to celebrate the Eucharistic liturgy together, we can continue to celebrate the Liturgy of the Hours in our homes as families and individuals.
The Liturgy of the Hours is the daily prayer ritual of Christians that sanctifies and consecrates time. It is the prayer of Christ and the Church, and its celebration connects us deeply to Christ’s Paschal Mystery.
This form of prayer may be unfamiliar to many of your parishioners. LTP has prepared easy-to-use resources that will introduce this ancient prayer to Catholics and encourage them to pray Morning Prayer each Sunday. These resources include:
- An overview video about the Liturgy of the Hours
- An introductory video about Morning Prayer
- A worship aid with prayers for the Fourth Sunday of Lent (March 22, 2020)
- Music sound files