Don’t Miss the All Saints Fall Ministry Fair

Learn about our many ministries and get involved in parish life!

All Saints Parish is excited to sponsor a Ministry Fair in the Parish Courtyard/PAC on Sunday, September 29, from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM. The goal of the Ministry Fair is to encourage parishioners to join our vibrant parish ministries and get involved in parish life.

Deepen your faith, connect with fellow parishioners, and make a positive impact on the lives of others.

The Ministry Fair will feature a festive atmosphere with music and fellowship. Stop by our information tables to learn more about each ministry, ask questions, and discern how God is calling you to be involved in parish life at All Saints.

We thank everyone already involved in our various ministries and invite others to join our welcoming community in experiencing the joy of serving God and others.

As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.
[1 Peter 4:10]

Join our Music Ministry

All Saints Choirs are now actively recruiting for the fall. Lift up your voice in song and join us.  See flyer below for an overview of the many opportunities available through our Music Ministry in both English and Spanish.

Canten al Señor un cántico nuevo! Sing to the Lord a new song!

Signup Today

To signup for a choir, please click the link below or call Tim Lewicki, Director of Music & LIturgical Ministries Coordinator, at 571-516-3141 for more information.

Join an All Saints Choir Form

Join All Saints Music Ministry

All Saints Music Ministry – Overview

Fall Adult Faith Formation

For Adult Faith Formation this fall, All Saints Parish will be offering a 7-session video series entitled “Conversion: Following the Call of Christ. “ This series is by Bishop Robert Barron (Bishop of Winona-Rochester, MN).

In this study series, Bishop Robert Barron illuminates six biblical stories of conversion, demonstrating how six ordinary people, just like you, were met by Jesus where they were and called to a better life through Him. The common theme in each story is the turning of all one’s attention and energy toward an ever deeper, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

In his characteristically energetic style, Bishop Barron explains how conversion is not so much a one-time event, but a life-long process. He explains, “Jesus Christ calls us in thousands of different ways to follow Him, as we strive on the path for spiritual excellence.” Our plan at All Saints is to show these episodes in the Activities Center this fall, on Tuesdays. Deacon Brian Majewski and Fr. Lee will facilitate these sessions. This series is appropriate for adults.

Registration is necessary for all participants so that we may pre-order the materials which are used during the sessions. If a spouse attends with you, then only one registration form and fee needs to be submitted.

  • Registrations are due no later than 4:00 PM on Friday, August 23.
  • Registrations received on or before August 23, will have a reduced cost of $21.00, as we pre-order materials.
  • Registrations received after August 23 will have a cost of $25.00.

We will be meeting at 7:00 PM in the Parish Activities Center.

Tentative Session Guide for Conversion:

  • Tuesday. September 10 – 1: Introduction; Bartimaeus
  • Tuesday, September17 – 2: The Rich Young Man
  • Tuesday, September 24 – 3: Matthew
  • Tuesday, October 1 – 4: Jonah
  • Tuesday, October 8 – 5: The Woman at the Well
  • Tuesday, October 15 – 6: The Journey of the Magi
  • Tuesday. October 22 – 7: Final Review & Recap

Please note: Dates are subject to change.

Please complete and submit the Fall Adult Education Registration Form with payment.

We look forward to your participation in Conversion: Following the Call of Christ. 

New Altar Server Training

All Saints will be offering Altar Server training per the following schedule.

Boys and girls at least 10 years old by September 30, 2024, and in 5th grade or above who would like to be Altar Servers, for either the English or Spanish Masses, need to attend both training sessions this fall. A parent should plan to attend these sessions with their child. The session will last about an hour. Pre-registration is required for any training session. Please send an email to Mrs. Pechiney ( to pre-register. Questions? Call 571-516-3162.

New Altar Server Training
We welcome current 5th through 12th graders. New servers will need to attend both new server sessions before being scheduled. These sessions are:

  • Session #1: Tuesday, September 10, 6:00–7:00 PM
    This is a mandatory session in which you will learn liturgical vocabulary and terms necessary for the second session.
  • Session #2: Tuesday, September 17, 6:00–7:00 PM
    This is a mandatory session in which you will learn liturgical vocabulary and terms necessary for the second session.

Cross Bearer Training for Existing Servers

  • Monday, September 23, 6:00–6:30 PM
    Cross Bearer training for current 9th–12th graders who would like to learn how to be a Cross Bearer.

Thurifer Training for Existing Cross Bearers

  • Monday, September 23, 6:30–7:00 PM
    Thurifer training for current 10th–12th graders who have experience as Cross Bearers and would now like to learn to use the incense at Mass.

Returning Servers:
For existing servers (grades 5-12), there will be a refresher training session on Mon., Sept. 23, 7:00–7:30 pm, to review procedures and learn of any new changes.

Those who are already Altar Servers need to attend this session to remain active. Parents of servers younger than age 13 are asked to remain in the church during the session, which will last about a half hour. Questions? Contact Lynn Pechiney (

What to Expect:
Servers can expect to serve at one or two weekend Masses per month. Mass assignments are based upon each server’s stated preference. When we have more who indicate a preference for a given Mass, then they would not serve as frequently at that Mass. We are in need of servers who would be available for daily Masses as well. Service at daily Mass would be more frequent,

Eucharistic Adoration – Week of September 1

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament — Adoration

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Chapel is available at the times listed below.

  • Wednesday, 9:00 AM until Thursday, 6:45 AM;
  • Thursday, 7:00 PM until Friday, 6:45 AM;
  • Friday, 8:00 PM until Saturday, 7:00 AM. Note that the Rosary will be held in the chapel, Sunday evening, after the 7:00 PM Mass, from 8:00 PM until Monday, 6:45 AM.

We do not have Exposition between the weekday daily Masses (Monday–Friday) at this time.

Please sign-in at the Chapel to assist our Adoration Coordinator in verifying that we will always have at least 2 people present.

Access to the Chapel. The interior doors between the church and chapel will be locked. You must use the exterior doors to enter the chapel and the exterior doors to enter the church.

Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento—Adoración
La Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento en la Capilla está disponible en los horarios que se enumeran a continuación.

  • Miércoles, 9:00 am hasta el jueves, 6:45 am;
  • Jueves, 7:00 pm hasta el viernes, 6:45 am;
  • Viernes, 8:00 pm hasta el sábado, 7:00 am. Tenga en cuenta que el Rosario se llevará a cabo en la capilla, el domingo por la noche, después de la misa de las 7:00 PM, desde las 8:00 PM hasta el lunes, 6:45 AM.

No tenemos exposición entre las misas diarias entre semana (de lunes a viernes) en este momento.

Por favor, regístrese en la Capilla para ayudar a nuestro Coordinador de Adoración a verificar que siempre tendremos al menos 2 personas presentes.

Acceso a la Capilla. Las puertas interiores entre la iglesia y la capilla se cerrarán con llave. Usted debe utilizar las puertas exteriores para entrar en la capilla y las puertas exteriores para entrar en la iglesia.

Pass on the Good News of Jesus Christ

Pass on the Good News of Jesus Christ and our Catholic Faith! This fall, over 1,100 students in kindergarten through grade 12 will take part in Religious Education (RE) classes at All Saints to learn more about their Catholic faith. You can help them learn and grow in faith by becoming a Catechist. With classes offered Sunday morning, Monday evening, and Tuesday evening, there are a variety of days and times to fit your schedule.

All Saints would like to increase the number of students in its in-person classes, so additional catechists and assistants are needed. Registration for classes will begin on July 5, 2023; the only classes that will be open for registration will be those that have a catechist available to teach. As you nurture the faith of the young, you will continue to learn and grow as well! As one long-time catechist put it, “I learn so much from teaching RE!”

To volunteer or find out more, please contact Samantha at or 571-516-3154.

Registration for Religious Education (RE) classes for 2023-2024 will begin on July 5, 2023. Registration information and links to the registration forms for in-person RE classes will be available on the RE website All registration will be via online Google forms.

Confession Schedule – Week of September 1

All Saints offers the Sacrament of Reconciliation on the following dates:

  • Wednesday, September 4 – 6:30 – 8:00 PM
  • Saturday, September 7 – 3:00 – 4:00 PM

First Friday
For the First Friday of each month, we have the following schedule:

Confession – after 7:00 AM Mass
Confession – 7:00 PM
Mass in Spanish – 8:00 PM

Please note that for the morning confessions, once we have posted a sign that the confession line is closed, please do not enter the line. This will allow us to finish those who have already been waiting in line and will allow the priests to finish before the 8:30 AM Mass. One should not miss a part of the Mass (for example, the Liturgy of the Word or the Liturgy of the Eucharist) due to being in Confession. Also, please do not put “placeholders” for a place in line, such as a hymnal on the floor, during Mass. We ask those in line to be considerate of others. Thank you

Todos los Santos ofrece el Sacramento de la Reconciliación en las siguientes fechas:

  • Miércoles, 4 de septiembre – 6:30 – 8:00 PM
  • Sábado, 7 de septiembre – 3:00 – 4:00 PM

Primer Viernes
Para el primer viernes de cada mes, tenemos el siguiente horario:

Después de la misa de 7:00 AM Confesiones
7:00 pm Confessions
8:00 pm Misa en Español

Tenga en cuenta que para las confesiones de la mañana, una vez que hayamos colocado un letrero de que la línea de confesión está cerrada, no ingrese a la línea. Esto nos ermitirá terminar con aquellos que ya han estado esperando en la fila y permitirá que los sacerdotes terminen antes de la Misa de las 8:30 AM. No se debe perder una parte de la isa (por ejemplo, la Liturgia de la Palabra o la Liturgia de la Eucaristía) por estar en Confesión. Además, no coloque “marcadores de posición” para un lugar en la fila, como un himnario en el piso, durante la misa. Les pedimos a los que están en la fila que sean considerados con los demás. Gracias.

Announcing: Church/PAC Debt Paid in Full

Congratulations! As I announced at Masses, I have great news. The parish has paid off our combined loan of approximately $7,100,000. This loan was taken out for the building of this church building and for the renovation of the old church into the Parish Activities Center (PAC). The approximate costs were (rounded to thousands).

All Saints Church and PAC debt paid off - June 2024

This marks a significant moment for our parish. I am grateful to all who have sacrificed so generously so that we could have these facilities in which to worship God, learn our faith, and work together in charity.

Thanks to Fr. Bob Cilinski, former pastor, who undertook both the building of the church and the renovation of the PAC, to our parish Finance Council, to those who managed and participated in our Capital Campaigns, to all who redeemed their pledges, to the Car Raffle team and all who support the Car Raffle, to those who have supported our monthly Building Fund offertory collections, to our collection count teams, and most of all, to our parishioners, both living and deceased, who through many years, supported these efforts with prayer, time, talent, and treasure.

May God bless you abundantly!

In Christ,

Fr. Lee Roos, Pastor

CYO Cross Country Registration Open

CYO registration is open for 2024 Boys and Girls Cross Country.  Please register before the September 6th deadline.  

  • Boys and Girls in 3rd-8th grade are eligible to participate. 
  • Practices will be on Wednesdays 5-6 PM at the Pennington Track and on Saturdays 8:00-9:30 AM at the Manassas Battlefield beginning August 3rd. You can still register after practices begin through September 6. 
  • Meets will take place on September 28, October 12, and October 26. 
  • Cost is $20 per participant. 
  • If you have any questions, please email Ruth Kelly, Commissioner for Cross Country and Track & Field, at, and Hank Konstanty, Assistant Commissioner for Cross Country and Track & Field, at

CYO Sports Registration Link: 
Cross Country registration will be open through September 6, 2024. 

CYO Basketball – Save the Date
Save the date for CYO Boys and Girls 3rd-8th Grade Basketball. Registration for the 2024-2025 CYO Basketball season will be open from September 15-October 15. We are still seeking head and assistant coaches for some grades. If you are interested in coaching, please email Laurie Short, Assistant Basketball Commissioner, at You must be certified for Diocesan child protection (including VIRTUS™) before working with participants. If you are not, we can help you get the process started. 

If you have a general question, you can email or to connect directly with Chi Young, CYO Sports Director and Basketball Commissioner, you can email

The mission of the Arlington Diocesan Junior Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) is to organize sports programs through its member parishes for youth to reinforce Catholic values taught in parish schools and religious education programs. In addition to encouraging healthy physical activity, CYO sports are designed to foster cooperation, respect, sportsmanship, responsibility, leadership, competitiveness, fairness, and courtesy.

Job Opportunity: Porter for CYO Sports

The mission of the Arlington Diocesan Youth & Young Adult Ministry Junior Catholic Youth Organization (JCYO) is to organize sports programs through its member parishes for youth to reinforce Catholic values taught in parish schools and religious education programs. In addition to encouraging healthy physical activity, JCYO sports are designed to foster cooperation, respect, sportsmanship, responsibility, leadership, competitiveness, fairness and courtesy.

To support our volunteer coaches and to provide better hospitality and security on game days next year, our Executive Team proposed and Fr. Lee approved a new position that will be paid. Part-time position of Porter available for the 2024- 2025 CYO season. The All Saints JCYO Porter will set up and close down the gym before and after basketball and volleyball games. The porter will also manage the door to the gym, assist visitors, and keep the facilities stocked. Plan to start Dec. 7 with nine (9) basketball weekends (both Saturday and Sunday). Volleyball schedule to be determined. Must be at least 18 years old. Pay $15 per hour. Email Rob Tessier, Director of Youth Ministry ( for more information and to apply.

If you have a general question, you can email or connect directly with Chi Young, CYO Sports Director (